Lake Superior Circle Tour

“Superior, they said, “never gives up her dead when the gales of November come early! ” The Wreck Of The Edmond Fitzgerald” By Gordon Lightfoot

Lake Superior holds many distinctions, the largest and deepest fresh water “lake” or inland sea in the US with a long and colorful history of ship wrecks and history as a main water transportation route for the early Native American and Canadian’s to the shipping of logs and iron ore from the forests and iron ranges of northern Minnesota.

It’s waters touch the shores of the US and Canada. Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan and Ontario with some of the most spectacular riding of approximately 1450 miles that winds through incredible lake shore views and woodlands, harbor towns and villages as well as larger cities such as Duluth, Thunderbay and Sault St. Marie

Geographical references. Local folks refer to the lake side based on the reference of the lake rather than the relation to the State. Minnesota and Canada’s side is referred to as the North Shore and Wisconsin and Michigan is referred to as the South Shore, though the shore may actual border the States on their opposing border’s. This can sometimes be confusing to folks when references are made to sites along the route.

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